Heat Recovery Wall

Heat Recovery Wall Acero HX

The Heat Recovery Wall Acero HX can provide thermal energy 24 hours per day, 365 days a year, since it includes Trigo’s exclusive Extrudair technology. It can be installed on all 4 walls of a building, regardless of its orientation (North, South, East and West).  When facing South, the overall efficiency of the Acero HX can even exceed 100% during sunshine hours. Baseload thermal energy costs can be reduced by as much as 80% for a light industrial building, and that with different operating strategies adapted to all seasons:

  • During production hours in winter, the Acero HX can preheat incoming air by recovering heat from the outgoing exhaust air and by taking advantage of incident solar radiation.
  • During winter at night, there is no solar gain, but it keeps preheating fresh air by recovering heat from the outgoing exhaust air stream.
  • During winter on week-ends, the system becomes a closed-loop solar air collector and can heat the Inside space.
  • During daytime in summer, the wall is bypassed but is used as a ventilation system to achieve air changes within the building.
  • During nightime in summer, the solar absorber can assist air conditioning by sub-cooling the incoming fresh air by 3 to 4 degrees C below ambient, thanks to the phenomenon called nightime sky radiation.

Basic solar air wall – Acero

The Acero Wall from Trigo Énergies can preheat exterior air and heat the building’s inside space by working in closed-loop operation. Both operation modes can work simultaneously or alternatively, as requested. The wall can be covered with tempered glass (std) or multi-wall polycarbonate (option). The heat absorber comes with a selective surface as standard, or with optional black paint. In all cases, it can be architecturally harmonized to the building with anodized or painted aluminium profiles.

In any case, it is very easy to install, as up to 2000 sq.ft. can be put together in one day:

Top glazing- standard glass

Thickness: 4 mm (std);  Material:  tempered glass (std); Glass width: 600 mm; Glass length:  2000 mm; Solar transmissivity: 89%

Top glazing- option polycarbonate

Thickness:  20 mm (std);  Structure: 6 walls, 5 cavities (std); Panel width: 600 mm; Panel length: no technical limit: Solar transmissivity: 69%; Thermal U-Factor: 1,7 W/m2.K; Temperature range: from -40°C to 120°C; Thermal expansion ration: 0.065 mm/m.K; Acoustic insulation: 20 dB; UV protection: on both sides, by coextrusion

Internal air plenum

Plenum:  from 25 to 300 mm (60 mm typ.); Surface air flow: from 50 to 500 m3/h/m2 (Re>3000); Pressure drop: 175 Pa (typ.); stainless steel supports: anchors @ 60 cm c/c;  Omega bars: 18 ga. Steel, 3.3 m long each.; Spacers and baffles: hole-punched or micro-perforated bars, tailormade.

Solar absorber (selective surface)                 

Material: Aluminium substrate; Thickness: 0.4 mm; Absorber width:  standard 625 mm, max. 1250 mm; Surface compound; quartz silicium, titanium, titanium carbide; Solar absorptivity: 95%;  Emissivity over solar spectrum: 5%



  1. During production hours in winter, the Acero HX can preheat incoming air by recovering heat from the outgoing exhaust air and by taking advantage of incident solar radiation.
  2. During winter at night, there is no solar gain, but it keeps preheating fresh air by recovering heat from the outgoing exhaust air stream.
  3. During winter on week-ends, the system becomes a closed-loop solar air collector and can heat the inside space.
  4. During daytime in summer, the wall is bypassed but is used as a ventilation system to achieve air changes within the building.
  5. During nightime in summer, the solar absorber can assist air conditioning by sub-cooling the incoming fresh air by 3 to 4 degrees C below ambient, by a phenomenon called nightime sky radiation.